搜索"Anders" ,找到 234部影视作品
艾美獎紀錄片導演托德道格拉斯米勒,率領製作團隊與美國太空總署及國家檔案館緊密合作,蒐集阿波羅11號登月50年來所有紀錄片段。過程中竟首度發現了從未曝司行霈疯狂的要顾轻舟光的70mm珍貴片段,以及超過11,000小時、記錄了整個登月任務的對話錄音。團隊更將這些重暗黑3 箱子見天日的寶貴影像,以高至8K解像度進行數碼化修復處理,將阿波羅11號登月之旅,以前所未有最高清的質素呈現眼前!本片不但讓觀眾有如親歷其境地與岩士唐一起登陸月球,更踏出了電大长今高清下载影史上紀錄片製作的一大步! 2019辛丹斯電影節:美國紀錄片評審團特別大獎(剪接)
★ 2020开年恐怖作品,荒岛求生却遇到恐怖魔物 ★ 到无人岛潜能开发的屁孩青年,原来早有神秘生物盯著他看,他要如何逃离这恐怖难测的小岛? ★ 暗夜中不知名的双眼在寻找猎物,是外星生物还是恶魔缠身,让你心跳加速,头皮发麻,欢迎来试胆 一天免费看三次的花季传媒 托比(罗根米勒 饰)就是个沉迷手机游戏的屁孩,一晚,他不愿与父亲一起到家门外修车,让父亲被抢匪伤害身亡,让他极度自责而陷入恐慌,在老师建议下,与一群青年赴马来西亚海域的小岛进行自我训练,一座岛只有一个学员可以下船,在岛中只有靠自己进行野外求生,希望能藉由课程走出丧父阴影。 一向视手机如命的托比果然对野外适应不良,一下船就失去所有求生工具,但他意外在岛上遇到神秘的美少女玛德琳(克丽斯汀弗洛塞斯 饰)。从小在岛上长大的玛德琳教他求生知识,但也警告他到了晚上千万不要在岛上乱大胆的欧美人体艺术闯,因为她的妈妈很可怕...。托比在岛上失去音讯,课程教练前往岛上找他,却被一股神秘力量拖入森林,托比突然见到教练的尸体,知道这岛上确实有奇怪的力量,让他想要带著玛德琳逃走,却让自己陷入更危险的境地....
Sonia Anderson
BOWIE is a fascinating ex久久综合九色综合97ploration of the life of a rock and roll icon who inspired a whole gene异邦人 无皇刃谭ration to become heroes.
When Max, a down on his luck strip club owner, has his life and livelihood threatened by local gangsters, he turns to his wife's connections for help and hires a hi电影加速器tman to solve the problem once and for all. But before long, Max is blinded by his newfound power and his family finds hi都市言情小说网m spinning off the rails as the body count piles up.
&亚洲1卡2卡三卡4卡2021nbsp; —Hayden Fortescue
全球狂销电玩游戏《侠盗猎车手V》配乐霓虹印地安打造复古迷幻电子乐。阿比的意识被困在沙发动弹不得,他打着电动、说着话11kkaa,必须想办法破关离开沙发。 1999年,千禧虫危机近在眼前,一无是处的八戒八戒免费观看在线完整版废宅阿比宅在客厅沙发上,接受哥哥凯姆提出的各种荒谬挑战。哥哥开出的最终大魔王挑战——将号称“不可能破关”的经典游戏小精灵第256关给破关,否则不准离开沙发! 但小精灵的第256关在程式设计上有着先天的漏洞,不论如何玩到最后总会当机,即便如此,阿比仍然接受了这项不可能成功的挑战,他将拿出废宅成都加盟私人影吧的毅力,窝在沙发上打电动、继续打电动、不停打电动……
Rob Hawk
When Tory Coro turns up dead, the neighborhood turns up silent. Rumor has it she became yet another victim of the small town known as FIGHT VALLEY. Tory's sister Windsor moves to town to begin her own investigation on her sister's mysterious death after weeks of no leads from the广西彩铃 police. She's quick to learn that Tory fought for money to make ends meet. If girl-next-door Windsor is going to make her way into FIGHT VALLEY to find the truth about Tory, she's going to have to fight her way in. "Jabs" (Miesha Tate) swore she would never throw a punch in the Valley again. Jabs now finds herself training Windsor to survive the painful, unexpected path she's about to take. Every corner. Every alley. Every doorway. She mus盛大富翁私服t follow the last footsteps of her sister in order to come face-to-face with Tory's killer in FIGHT VALLEY.
Trygve Allister Diesen,Katarina Launing
The drama, which stars Sven Nordin and Carrie-Anne Moss, is based on the best-selling books The Caveman and The Hunting Dogs by writer Jørn Lier Horst. Set in the unique and stunning landscape of Norway, this series follows homicide detective William Wisting as he wrestles with the most challenging and shocking case of his career: a wanted American serial killer preying amongst them. Hollywood actress Carrie-Anne Moss, known for her roles in the Matrix and more recently Marvel’s Jessica Jones, plays FBI Agent Maggie Griffin alongside British actor Richie Campbell (Anuvahood, The Frankenstein Chronicles) who plays Special Agent John Bantham. The pair are brought in to help Wisting and his team apprehend the infamous killer who has eluded capture for years. Leading Norwegian theatre and film actor Sven Nordin (Valkyrien) stars as Detective William Wisting.&嘻嘻导航lt;br /> Meanwhile, Line - Wisting’s intrepid journalist daughter - is chasing headlines, leading her straight into the path of the serial killer. Suddenly, an old case comes back to haunt Wisting, and a dreadful accusation is hurled at him. How will Wisting save other lives when he finds himself suspended and fighting for his own reputation, career and life? Sue Deeks, Head of BBC Programme Acquisition, says: "Wisting has already been a tremendous success in Norway, and we have no女子监狱 电影 doubt that BBC viewers will be equally engaged by such a likeable, emotionally complex lead character, and a compelling plot full of twists and turns." Chris Stewart, Commercial Director, Scripted, comments, “Wisting is a multi-layered drama, that is sure to keep BBC audiences in suspense throughout. It’s a classic cat-and-mouse thriller interwoven with some scintillating character performances from a stellar cast. I’m sure the UK audience will embrace this fantastic screen adaptation with equal enthusiasm." This 10 x 45’ is produced by Cinenord and Good Company Films in co-production with Viaplay, Degeto Film, TV3 Norway. Wisting Wisting is created by Katrine Valen Zeiner (Valkyrien) and Trygve Allister Diesen (The Third Eye) who also direc
Kip Andersen,Keegan Kuhn
美国导演吉普·安德森希望通过这部纪录片探索畜牧业对生态环境的影响和与荒漠化、污染及其他环境问题的关联。 在看过2006年上映的环境保护电影《难以忽视的真相》后,导演吉普·安德森成为了一名环保主义者。他在日常生活中开始循环利用物资、随手关灯、节约用水并经常骑车上julia 乳奴隶班、低碳出行。就在2014年,他发现了一个自己从未关注过、关于环境保护的电影拍摄题材:畜牧业。 “《奶牛阴谋:永远不能说的秘密》既尖锐又不失诙谐,它披露了大型畜牧业养殖场对地球生态环境造成的令人难以置信的影响”,安德森在接受采访时说道,“这种影响绝对是毁灭性的”。 “如果我继续深究这个话题,我不敢想象会发生什么,似乎唯一正确的决定就是放下摄影机走开,但我意识到这个问题太大了,超过了我个人的一切忧虑。这关系到地球上所有的生命,因为我们的行为而岌岌可危,你可以为理想而奋斗,也可以为庸庸碌碌地死去,我一直没有其他选择,我决定不投降,不害怕这个秘密,我要查明真相,我不能像那些环保组织一样,看着地球被吞噬却置若罔闻。
&ta5 applt;p> 上一集惨绝人寰的父子三人残杀,让丽莎贝丝·萨兰德(劳米·拉佩斯 Noomi Rapace 饰)头部中弹,几乎丧命,亚历山大·扎拉千科(Georgi Staykov 饰)惨遭斧劈,身负重伤。父女二人一同住在哥德堡的萨尔格医院,隆德曼·尼埃德曼(Micke Spreitz 饰)则持续逃亡。由于亚历山大是30年前从苏联军情局投诚瑞典的情报人员,其敏感身份让政府颇多顾忌,而丽莎贝丝背后隐藏的政治黑幕又令政客们焦虑不安。不久,亚历山大被瑞典安全局派出的刺客杀害,丽莎贝丝则面临多项谋杀罪名的指控。为了拯救丽莎贝丝,并揭露政府黑幕,千禧年杂志记者米克·布卢姆科斯特(Michael Nyqvist 饰)奔忙取证。然调查越深,危险越大…… 本片根据瑞典小说家斯蒂格·拉尔松(Stieg Larsson)的原著改编,是“千禧年三部曲”的最后一部。暖暖视频韩国完整版电视
大卫(Luke Wilson 饰)与艾米(Kate Beckinsale 饰)是一对刚经历了丧子之痛的夫妻,为了纪念他们即将分解的婚姻,两人驾车行驶在茫茫夜色中,进行他们最后的分手旅行。为抄近路,大卫拐入了一条荒僻小路,然而行驶不久车子即宣告故障,一位子夜时分仍未眠去的年轻人出现帮助了他们,但问题仍未解决。大卫与艾米不得不法证先锋2国语下载步行到一家汽车旅馆休息。 旅馆内空无一人,值班室内传出令人毛骨悚然的尖叫声,值班员大咧咧的关闭了电视录像,将两娘家的故事所有歌曲人安排在一间拐角的房间,房间设施陈旧肮脏,大卫在翻看电视柜内遗留的录像带时发现内容尽是极其写实的血腥电影,然而更令人震惊的是电影内的场景分明就是他们入住的房间!这家旅馆无疑是杀害旅客制作录像带的变态乐园。于是清冷的夜里,夫妻俩唯一要面对的是自己的生存问题。