搜索"Hal" ,找到 830部影视作品
Ronnie Khalil
Filmed on the beautiful islands of Greece, "With a Kiss I Die" is a dark love story about Juliet Capulet (from Shakespearean fame) who is forced to live for all eternity knowing that 赵本山江苏卫视小品her true love died in her arm超级无敌奖门人终极篇05s nearly 800 years ago. Broken and numb, she meets a young woman who captures her heart again, and teaches her that love and loss are all a part of life, and that a life without love is no life at all.
故事发生在未来的世界中,当周遭真实发生的所有事情都无法再刺激到年轻人麻木的神经后,他们将目光投向了虚无的虚拟世界当中,于是,一款名为“阿瓦隆”的游戏诞生了。在游戏中,人们可以选择任何他们想要经历的刺激关卡,在通关后甚至可以得到巨额的奖励。就这样,越来越多的人们沉溺于虚拟世界的厮杀和争斗,而等待着他们的最终结果就是过度刺激造成的脑部的永久性损伤。 阿修(玛尔歌泽塔·弗雷姆夏克 Malgorzata Foremniak 饰)是诸多游戏者中的一员,她精湛的技术和独来独往的特殊个性引来了性船众人的瞩目,却也引来了危险的竞争者。为了弄清楚这个神秘竞争者的真实面目,阿修在虚拟和现实世界中展开了双线调查,随着调查的深入,一段隐秘的往事渐渐的浮出了水面。
故事发生在神秘而又变幻莫测的蔚蓝大海之中,凯特(哈莉·贝瑞 Halle Berry 饰)是一位拥有“鲨鱼语者”称号的资深钉钉影院在线观看潜水员,从业近十年,她不仅获得了业界的广泛认可,更靠着自己的努力奋斗拥有了挚爱的渔船——沃兰特号。 一场意外事故的发生让凯特几乎失去了一切,其中包括深深信任着她的搭档,巨大的打击令凯特一蹶不振,她拒绝再潜入海底,整日沉浸在悲伤和后悔之中。凯特的消沉直接影响到了她的生活,负债的不断增加最终将让她失去沃兰特号。在好友杰夫(奥利维·马丁内兹 Olivier Martinez 饰)的牵线搭桥下,凯特决定同一名商人一起重新回到岗位之上,这一次,她要挑战的是所有潜水员皆闻其色变的危险地带——鲨鱼港。
蒂莉•加德纳(英迪娅·埃斯利 India Eisley少男老爸 饰)的父母在一次坠机事故中丧生,这使得她萎靡不振。而南塔克特岛的司机尼科(K·J·阿帕 K.J. Apa 饰)的出现改变了这一切,并使得蒂莉与其坠入了爱河。但随着与尼科的相处,蒂莉渐渐发现他的身份奥克拉荷马城似乎并不简单,并且与导致蒂莉父母双亡的坠机事件有着千丝万缕的联系。而另一方面。一心为蒂莉父亲复仇的联邦调查局探员坎特雷尔(詹姆斯·瑞马尔 James Remar 饰)的介入使得事情变苏州万达电影城影讯得更加复杂。在南塔克特岛上,一场危机似乎蓄势待发......
故事发生在维多利亚时代的英国,彼时田园牧歌式的封建宗法制酷爱影院在线电影社会遭到了资本主义的重创,濒临瓦解的边缘。美丽的少女巴斯希巴(凯瑞·穆丽根 Carey Mulligan 饰)继承了姑姑的农场,成为了农场主,有为青年加里布埃尔(马提亚斯·修奈尔 Matthias Schoenaerts 饰)爱上了巴斯希巴,来到了她的农场为她打工。 然而,巴斯希巴却并没有将老实的加里布埃尔放在眼里,她疯狂的爱慕着一个名为特洛伊(汤姆·斯图里奇 Tom Sturridge 饰)的花花公子,虽然特洛伊曾经残忍的抛弃了纯洁的少女范尼(朱诺·坦普尔 Juno Temple 饰),但巴斯希巴还是盲目的相信这个男人能够给自己带来梦寐以求的完美爱情。
Robert Bruce Carter
Martin Sofiedal
国服玄策喷水瑶视频链接 外星人入侵,打断了一场告别单身派对。两名儿时好友只好再度合体,变海贼王狂热行动在线身当年的超猛雷射枪搭档,出手反击。
凯瑟琳·马歇尔 Kathleen Marshall
继2011年凭此夺得第二座托尼奖杯后,百老汇明星萨顿·福斯特2021年重返经典音乐剧《万事皆可》马兰坡电影,明星卡司阵容还包括三度奥利弗奖和托尼奖得主罗伯特·林赛、西区传奇人物加里·威尔莫特。该剧拍摄于伦敦巴比肯艺术中心演出现场,场场爆满。 《万事皆可》讲述了一个俗气又欢脱的爱情故事:在一艘远洋的航船上,穷小子比利爱上了富家女,希望可以略施小计帮她解除商业联姻、自己抱得美人归,没想到阴差阳错间促成了更多欢喜冤家。这部音乐剧的词曲由科尔·波特(Cole Porter)一手包办,I Get a Kick Out of You、You're the Top、It's De-Lovely等歌曲令人难忘,当然还有让人眼前一亮的“万事皆可”(Anything Goes)。 自1934年在百老汇首演以来,《万事皆可》在美国、英国经历过多次复排,1987年帕蒂·卢蓬在百老汇的版本和1989年伊莲·佩姬在西区的版本都给人留下了深刻印象,而2000年以来萨顿·福斯特的两度演绎更是塑造了新的经典。此版由屡获殊荣的百老汇导演及编舞凯瑟琳·马歇尔执导,欢快温馨的场景和壮观热情的水手踢踏舞征服了观众,让人迫不及待开启一段浪漫游轮之旅,《泰晤士报》《观察者》《每日电讯报》和《卫报》给出全五星好评!
Wounded and on the run, notorious gunman Quirt Evans (John Wayne) gallops onto a farm owned by Quaker Thomas Worth (John Halloran) and his family and collapses. When Quirt urgently insists upon sending a telegram, Thomas and his daughter Penelope (Gail Russell) drive him into town in their wagon. After wiring a claim to the land recorder's office, Quirt kisses Penny and then passes out. Ignoring the doctor's advice to rid themselves of the gunman, the compassionate Worth family tends to the delirious Quirt, and Penny becomes intrigued by his ravings of past loves. Quirt recovering under the care of the two women (from left to right: Rich, Russell, and Wayne) Days later, when Quirt regains consciousness, Penny patiently explains the family's belief in non-violence. Three weeks later, Laredo Stevens (Bruce Cabot) and Hondo Jeffries (Louis Faust) ride into town looking for Quirt. When Penny's younger brother Johnny (Stephen Grant) rushes home to inform Quirt of his visitors, Quirt quickly prepares to flee. Penny, now smitten with Quirt, offers to run off with him. At the sound of approaching horses, Quirt grabs his gun and discovers that it has been emptied. Training his gun on the doorway, Quirt calmly greets Hondo and Laredo. Thinking that Quirt has the upper hand, Laredo offers to buy his claim. When Quirt sets the price at $20,000, Laredo hands over $5,000 in gold and challenges him to come for the balance when he is able – if he has the nerve. Afterward, Quirt saddles his horse, but when Pen斗罗大陆免费观看完整ny begs him to stay, he changes his mind. Later, Quirt learns that cantankerous rancher Frederick Carson (Paul Hurst) has dammed up the stream that runs through the valley, thus draining the Worths' irrigation ditches. Quirt intimidates Carson into opening the dam. One Sunday, Penny asks Quirt to join the family for a ride. Before they leave, Marshal Wistful McClintock (Harry Carey) comes to question Quirt about a stagecoach robbery. The family swears that Quirt was with them at the time. The marshal then asks Quirt why he resigned as Wyatt Earp's deputy, sold his ranch and crossed over to the wrong side of the law soon after cattleman Walt Ennis was gunned down in a saloon brawl. When Quirt refuses to answer, the marshal leaves. Penny then begs Quirt to steer clear of Laredo, and he acquiesces because of his love for her. As Quirt and the Worths ride to the Quaker gathering, Quirt's erstwhile sidekick, Randy McCall (Lee Dixon), tags along. Randy tells Quirt that Laredo plans to rustle a herd of cattle and suggests that they then steal the herd from Laredo and let him take the blame. Mr. Worth gives Quirt a Bible for ending the feud with Carson. Fearing that he will never be able to live up to Penny's expectations, Quirt abruptly leaves with Randy. Quirt and Randy steal the herd from the original rustlers. They then celebrate with showgirls Lila Neal (Joan Barton) and Christine Taylor (Rosemary Bertrand). When Lila, sensing a change in her old flame, teases Quirt about his Bible, Quirt becomes angry and rides back to the Worth farm. Overjoyed, Penny throws her arms around him, just as the marshal arrives to question Quirt about the rustling. Quirt states that Lila can provide him with an alibi. Penny is hurt that Quirt was with his old flame, who she heard him talk about in his delirium, thinking Quirt prefers Lila's fair hair. Quirt realizes the depth of his feelings for Penny, and they kiss hungrily in the barn, while the camera fades. The marshal warns Quirt that he is the wrong man for Penny. Quirt decides to propose to her anyway. Instead of replying, Penny invites Quirt to join her picking blackberries. Quirt answers Penny's questions about his early life. Kindly Walt Ennis raised him after his parents were massacred by Indians. Then Ennis was murdered. Quirt and Penny are ambushed and chased by Laredo and Hondo on their way home. Their wagon plunges over a cliff into the river, causing Penny to develop a dangerous fever. When the doctor informs Quirt that there is no hope for her, Quirt straps on his pistol and rides into town to exact revenge. After Quirt leaves, Penny's fever suddenly breaks. In town, Quirt sends Bradley to tell Laredo and Hondo he is waiting for them in the street. Penny and her family arrive. She gets Quirt to surrender his gun to her. As Laredo and Hondo draw their guns, Marshal McClintock shoots them both. Quirt rides off in the wagon with Penny. The marshal picks up Quirt's discarded weapon. Bradley comments that Quirt may need the weapon, to which the marshal says, "Only a man who carries a gun ever needs one." And, the film fades to black.
《花鼓戏》来自 C.Y. Lee (黎锦扬) 的同名小说,由 Oscar Hammerstein II 和 Joseph Fields 改写成音乐剧,作曲 Richard Rodgers,作词 Oscar Hammerstein II。该剧于1958年12月1日在纽约的圣詹姆士剧场(St. James Theatre)开演,在纽约百老汇连演六百场不衰,后来又在1960 年3月24日于伦敦的宫殿剧场(Palace Theatre)。在1961年,又由环球银幕公司拍成电影,其中,扮演琳达的就是著名华裔演员关南施 (Nancy Kwan)。 2002 年,在前《亚裔杂志》(A Magzine)发行人杨致和成立的Factor 公司的精心策划下,《花鼓戏》在九月下旬重登纽约百老汇剧场的维珍尼亚剧院(Virginia Theatre)。这一次的剧本由东尼奖得奖剧作家黄哲伦创新改写,也首次采用全部亚裔的演员阵容,包括扮演《西贡小姐》扬名的菲律宾演员 Lea Salonga 担任女主角,和曾在音乐剧《国王与我》(The King and I) 中担任主演的菲律宾籍演员 Jose Liana 扮演王大。该剧于2003年3月16日停止,但是已经有传说要在北美开展巡回演出。新剧的剧情和旧版略有不同,但是歌曲仍采用旧版。在下面的介绍是旧版的剧情。 虽然并不能算是 Rodgers 和 Hammerstein 合作的最成功的例子,《花鼓戏》的成就其实是不可忽视的。《花鼓戏》可是说是音乐喜剧的先驱,在当时题材严肃的音乐剧中独树一帜。而且,它也是屈指可数以中国人的生活为题材的音乐剧。 《花鼓戏》的故事取材于旧金山(San Francisco)唐人街上的中国人。故事围绕着唐人街里几代人的矛盾和代沟展开。在老一代人固执地坚持中国习俗的同时,在唐人街上长大的年轻人却更认同美国人的思考方式和生活方式。不过,按照喜剧的传统,大团圆的结尾必不可少,主人公也与心上人终成眷属。 既然是屈指可数的以中国人为题材的音乐剧,在这里就不能不多聊一下这部小说以及它的作者黎锦扬。 黎锦扬生于湖南,是著名语言学家黎锦熙三兄弟之一。他移民美国,在四十年代写出了《花鼓戏》(Flower Drum Song,也译做“花鼓歌”或“花鼓曲”)。他是继林语堂之后第二个用英文写书的华裔作家。他的最有名的作品无疑就是这部《花鼓戏》,他也在《纽约客》(New Yorker) 杂志上发表短篇小说,多数描写 二战末期滇缅一带的风情,后来合成一集,叫《天之一角》。但是他也曾杜撰过一部名为《天雠》的反共小说,据说“其中一章描写王光美被斗的惨状,历历在目,著不觉浑身汗毛倒竖”,但是,其中的捕风捉影,刻意渲染的成分过多女人公敌4高清完整版,只能算是政治工具,不能叫做文学。《花鼓戏》如何,本人不曾有幸读过原著,拍成音乐剧后的故事想来是给改得面目全非,也不能作凭据,所以还得请读过小说的看官聊一聊看法了。 本片曾获第34届学院奖艺术指导(彩色)、摄影(彩色)、服装设计(彩色)、编曲(音乐剧类)、录音5项提名。
富有的克鲁上校和她的女儿萨拉(利塞尔•马修斯 Liesel Matthews 饰)在印度度过了一段幸福美好的时光。直到战争爆发,因为萨拉的母亲在她出生的时候就去世了,上战场前,克鲁上校不得不把萨拉送到了纽约著名的米切恩女子学校,将女儿委托给了米切恩夫人代为照顾,并留下了一笔不菲的报酬,以便自己走后女儿生活无忧。米切恩夫人看在这笔丰厚酬劳的面子上,给国色天香在线看免费萨拉安排了最大最好的房间,即使是在违背校规的情况下也默许萨拉带着母亲留给她的项链。天真活泼的萨拉总是有一些奇思妙想的小故事,让她很快和其他孩子融洽的相处起来。在大家的簇拥下,萨拉俨然过着小公主一般的生活。但天有不测风云,就在她生日那天,前线却突然传来了她父亲阵亡的消息,萨拉成了孤儿,米切恩夫人开始暴露出她贪婪势利的本性,萨拉的生活轨迹开始发生变化… 本片改编自弗朗西斯•霍奇森•伯内特同名小说《小公主》。最近更新在线中文字幕