搜索"Cliff" ,找到 41部影视作品
19世纪后半期,科技发展持续推动着工业的进步。在伦敦,醉心发明的科学家福格(Steve Coogan 饰)经常进行疯狂的运输工具实验,尽管,他得不山水郎到皇家科学院的认可,只是一名业余爱好者,仆人也因过于危险的实验离他而去。来自中国的刘星(成龙 饰)为取回家乡的宝物“玉佛像”,打劫了英格兰银行。招来了英国警方与中国犯罪组织黑蝎集团的超人气影视网无休无止追捕,无奈之下只得化名“路路通”担任福格的仆人。 福格为取代古板不堪的科学院院长,赌上全部家当与前途,要在80天内环游世界。而路路通认为可借这次旅行将佛像送回家乡。两人出发后在巴黎遇见痴迷印象派的业余女画家罗切(Cécile De France 饰)要求同行,他们怀着不同的目的乘上“东方快车”号。虽然前路有土耳其王子(Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)、黑蝎芳将军(莫文蔚 饰)与闯关东第一部手下(吴彦祖 饰)的重重拦截,但怀揣梦想的三人不会畏惧任何险阻。
Catherine Gale
A sharp, witty, mind-expanding and exuberant foray into the world of logic with computer scientist Professor Dave Cliff. Following in the footsteps of the award-winning 'The Joy of Stats' and its sequel, 'Tails You Win - The Science of Chance', this film takes viewers on a new rollercoaster ride through philosophy, maths, science and technology- all of which, under the bonnet, run on logic. Wielding the same wit and wisdom, animation and gleeful nerdery as its predecessors, this film journeys from Aristotle to Alice in Wonderland, sci-fi 双城计中计 电影to supercomputers to tell the fascinating story of the quest for certainty and the fundamentals of sound reasoning itself. Dave Cliff, professor of computer science and engineering at Bristol University, is no abstract theoretician. 15 years ago he combined logic and a bit of maths to write one of the first computer programs to outperform humans at trading stocks and shares. Giving away the software for free, he says, was not his most logical move... With the help of 25 seven-year-olds, Professor Cliff creates, for the first time ever, a computer made entirely of children, running on nothing but logic. We also meet the world's brainiest whizz-kids, competing at the International Olympiad of Informatics in Brisbane, Australia. 'The Joy of Logic' also hails logic's all-time heroes: George Boole who moved logic beyond philosophy to mathematics; Bertrand Russell, who took 360+ pages but heroically proved that 1 + 1 = 2; Kurt Godel, who brought logic to its knees by demonstrating that some truths are unprovable; and Alan Turing, who, with what Cliff calls an 'almost exquisite paradox', was inspired by this huge setback to logic to conceive the computer. Ultimately, the film asks, can humans really stay ahead? Could today's generation of logical computing machines be smarter than us? What does that tell us about our own brains, and just how 'logical' we really are...?
Bille Eltringham
本片改编自真人真事,是一个关于前进东德乌托邦的荒谬喜剧!从柏林墙以西到柏林墙以东;从有马克史宾瑟百货的英格兰投奔马克思与行宁的怀抱,在瑞特克里夫先生的怂恿下,瑞特克里夫一家竟然表决通过搬到人人都想逃离的共产世界,连东德边境的士兵也忍不住嘲笑他们! 一位笃信马克思主义的教授;一个早熟叛逆的性感女神;一个无敌钢铁超人只有12岁的小共产间谍;还有一位看似柔弱实际上却聪慧坚强的家庭主妇,为了先生和孩子们的幸福,瑞特克里夫太太暗中密谋一场疯狂的革命逃亡,这个快被分化的妙家庭能够团结携手回到民主的世界吗?