搜索"LEE" ,找到 830部影视作品
Jacques Molitor
Single mother Elaine is disturbed by her son Martin's aggressive behaviour, she visits his late father's estranged family in small-town Luxembhaole16 comourg, which hides a much darker nature. When she realizes that Martin could become like them, Elaine is forced into a desperat幸福还会来敲门免费观看e fight for her son's future.
Lorna Brady is a woman from the small, fictional Irish town of Kilkinure who wakes one morning to find a corpse in her house. Chillingly, Lorna has no idea who the dead woman is, or if she herself might be responsible for the apparent murder. That’s because Lorna has long suffered from extreme bouts of sleepwalking ever since she was ripped from her life at the age of 15 and incarcerated in a convent. There, Lorna gave birth to her daughter Agnes, who was cruelly taken from her and whose fate Lorna has never known. Unluckily for Lorna, Detective Colman Akande is now also on her tail, for a crime seemingly unrelated to the body she has discovered in her house. The ambitious Colman quickly rose through the ranks of the Garda Síochána thanks to his natural aptitude. His scathing wit hides a quiet sadness, and when he meets Lorna, he finds himself forced to confront his own haunting secrets. As Colman searches for a murderer and Lorna searches for her daughter, their paths collide in ways they could never have anticipated. Lorna’s search for Agnes will take her deep into h小说校园全能高手er own past and to the heart of Kilkinure’s darkest secrets, as she and Colman seek the answers they each so desperately need.
Mauro Carvalho
Diego had to leave his hometown in Brazil to attend冰糖炖雪梨全文百度云 a film school in California for 4 years. He also had to leave everything he had ever loved behind including Matheus, a handsome young man with whom he felt in love and shared passionate moments with. Ten years later, back in Brazil, he decides to啦啦啦高清在线影院 make a film about their relationship. This biopic shows how passion can increase电视剧乞丐王子 people's motivation in life, but also shows how making choices can be cruel for passion.
在纳粹德国,玩具制造商拥有一本神秘的书籍,赋予无生命的生命。在躲过希特勒命令取回书的党卫军之后,这位玩具商登上了一列火车企图逃离该国。认为他很法证先锋2粤语清楚,玩具制造商很快就发现,一批高级纳粹军官也加入进来。最终,他的秘密被揭露出来,纳粹关闭。但是,玩具制造商已经使用这个神奇的东西来带来一个名叫罗伯特的复古娃娃来生活 - 而罗伯特宰豪将毫无阻碍地保护他的主人。所以,当玩具制造商和杀手娃娃拿起纳粹时,就开始了一场血腥的战斗。这是对死亡的一场战斗,只有胜利者才会在下一站下车。
长弓燧龙杰瑞·弗莱彻(梅尔·吉布森 Mel Gibson 饰)是纽约一名普通的出租车司机,他孑然一身,无所事事。大概是过于无聊,杰瑞的脑中经常幻想关于政府的各种阴谋论,并将它们告诉给每一个乘客。似乎有些弄假成真,他日常生活中也谨小慎微,紧张兮兮。杰瑞迷上了美丽的律师艾丽丝·萨顿(朱丽娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts 饰),并经常带着他的那些阴谋论新闻找艾丽丝交流。近一段时间,纽约经常出现水管爆裂的情况,目击到FBI曾在现场出现,杰瑞断定这背后定有什么阴谋。这次他没有猜错,很快一群神秘人物就盯上了这个口无遮拦的男人…… 本片荣获1998年大热门娱乐奖最佳女主角(Julia Roberts)、最佳男主角(Mel Gibson)和最佳男配角(Patrick Stewart)三项大奖。
Yoo-ra suffers from nightmares e小黄飞下载very night. One day she meets her high school friends. Jin-tae is a promising artist, In-seok is a chaebol and former thug, Hye-jin likes In-seok, and Seong-ho, who used to be In-seok's errand boy, finally meet up. Yoo-ra asks her friends if they remember the classmate that killed herself. Everyone is flustered and claims they don't. Yoo-ra goes to the bathroom, but passes out after seeing herself in the mirror. Every我和我的经纪人one gets in In-seok's car to send Yoo-ra home, but they get into an accident and all become unconscious. When they wake up, they are at a familiar school that&三肖三期内必开一期L;#39;s closed. It was the school they went to that has closed down. Why did they end up there? Yoo-ra and her friends tremble in fear for their lives...
故事讲述了69岁鼓舞人心的教师Peter Farquhar,和魅力四射天天爱消除刷分的年轻学生Ben Field,两人因对书籍的共同热爱,以及英国国教的关系,产生了一段亲密关系,这段关系造就了英国近年来最复杂、最令人困惑惊讶的刑事案件之一。 此外,故事还会聚焦Field的另一个目标——Peter的邻居,非常信教的Ann Moore-Martin。Field和她令人猜疑的关系,揭露了一系列惊人内幕。 剧集刻画了Field对Peter和Ann的操纵方式,呈现了极端的煤气灯效应、扣人心弦的警方调查,和备受瞩目的审判。不仅深刻强调了孤立和孤独的破坏性影响,也赞美了Peter和Ann作为导师、亲人和朋友,受人尊敬挚爱的一生。 该剧改编自真实事件,制作获得了受害者Peter Farquhar和Ann Moore-Martin家人的全力协助,探索了Peter和Ann在白金汉郡Maids Moreton的死亡,以及随后数年内发空之境界8生的非同寻常的事件。
刑警林贵仁(梁朝伟饰),隶属日本国防外务科特别侦缉组。美国政府悬红三千万美元追查号称“复仇者”的美金伪钞电版,林获知电版到了香港,便孤身深入黑帮内部盗取,却碰上美艳动人的女飞贼JJ(舒淇饰)。二人合力偷出电版,在最后关头JJ却出卖林,挟着电版逃脱。JJ得手浮生影院后喜悦地打开铁箱一看,里面却早已被掉包。 贵仁持着真的电版送往美国领事馆领赏,接待他的是领事馆职员Owen(任贤齐饰)。Owen带走电版称找专家验收,林却突然醉酒昏倒,醒来才知电版竟被Owen设计骗走。林贵仁于是追踪Owen到韩国,展开一场斗智斗勇的追逐战。其后不但引来JJ的介入,林贵仁更要面对伪钞集团龙头“北极熊”的连番狙击。
为了帮助好友文斯(斯蒂芬·格拉汉姆 Stephen Graham 饰)度过伤心的离婚,home高清在线观看一群好友尼尔(丹尼·戴尔 Danny Dyer 饰)、科勒雷(比利·穆瑞 Billy Murray 饰)、米奇(洛尔·克拉克 Noel Clarke 饰)、马特(李·恩格里比 Lee Ingleby 饰)等人带着他前往一偏僻小镇度假。本以为去的是人间天堂,结果他们却发现这里根本就是地狱,因为这里的女人都染上了怪病,会像僵尸一样袭击、吃掉所有男人。尽管这些男人平时都是唯唯诺诺的“妻管严”,但是面对女僵尸他们绝不手软,于是一场好好的度假彻底沦为了爷们儿大战女僵尸的战争。
Jacques Molitor
Single mother Elaine is disturbed by her son Martin's aggressive behaviour, she visits his la正义联盟 泷泽萝拉te father's estranged family in small-town Luxembourg, which hides a much darker nature. When she realizes that Martin could become like them, Elaine is forced into a desperate fight for her son's future.
爱幻想的青少年山姆(巴格候饰演)和放思春屋荡不羁的母亲莉蒂亚(珍妮佛杰森李饰演)搬到偏僻的怀俄明州,因为爷爷要竞选州长,深怕山姆的私生子身份和莉蒂亚的荒乱生活,会让他为难,对选战不利。 新学校、新环境,但莉蒂亚仍夜夜笙歌;对山姆而言,最大的改变是认识邻居兼同学皮茉莉,而且爱上这女孩。正值对一切好奇的年纪,两个青少年开始偷吃禁果,互相练习「性」游戏,莉蒂亚也默许这种关系。一天终于玩出麻烦,茉莉怀孕了!随之而来的是一连串的迷惑、忧虑、甚至荒诞。茉莉发现妈妈与老师通奸、深爱莉蒂亚的印地安男友,忍受不了她的不负责任离开她,爷爷威胁要送山姆去军校,最后茉莉决定生下孩子,面对责任与压力,山姆相信未来茉莉一定会爱上自己;莉蒂亚微微一笑很倾城资源也终于了解真爱的意义;小婴儿、小爸爸、小妈妈为这个新式美国家庭带来新活力。
Isaac Barrao,Ian Sera
Following on from the event租人app可租女睡觉软件s of The Mount, we revisit Philomena's home in what is promised to be a larger and darker spectacle than the电影无极限 first instalment.
To the streets, “Raq” Thomas is cold, hard and fierce — a successful and deadly woman taking names in a man’s world. She is tough, resolute, ruthless, but Raq still is capable of love. Great love. The sole recipient of that果冻传媒视频在线播放 affection is her son, Kanan; he is everything to her. As much as she cares for him, though, there are many instances where one wonders if she loves him for who he is or if she loves him merely as an extension of herself. The middle child of three, Raq also carries the heavy burden as the earner for her two brothers. She is the sun, and everyone else in her universe exists in her orbit.
Hayley MacFarlane
When Claire Carpenter's dad sends her to Australia to coach an elite boys swim team, Cla久久久大香菇精品ire finds herself face to face with long-time rival Mi甄嬛传25kayla Michaels, and the news that the camp will close if the team loses the next meet. To save the camp, Claire must overcome a secret fear,QISHUWANG put aside her differences with Mikayla and rediscover her passion.
在虫族突袭布宜诺斯艾利斯之后,联邦军队发动反攻,在坦戈约里击溃虫族,并在P行星虏获虫族首领。在此之后,联邦军队乘胜追击,派大军杀向虫族隔离区。残酷的战斗没有止境,机动部队第6榴莲app下载网站进入色板战队遭到虫族围攻,苦盼救援部队不得,眼看灭亡在即。关键时刻,第6战队首领夏普德将军(埃德·劳特 Ed Lauter 饰)与几名士兵吸引虫族,命令霍顿(Jason-Shane Scott 饰)、珊蒂余下的战士前往最近的祖鲁角哨站避难。此前,该哨站已经废止,所有人员全部死亡,只有一名中尉幸存。在这个隔绝之地,战士们进行最后的抵抗……
A pilots pregnant wife is killed by a band of thugs who break into their home. The gang is caught and sent off to prison. Wanting to see that "justice" is done the pilot stages his own death and then gets himself arrested so he can hunt the killers in the prisons into which they have been sent.
To be honest the story is a bit clichéd with the plot taking some obvious paths once things are set in motion. Normally that would be a bad thing but here the film works largely thanks to a very good cast of mostly unknown actors. The stand out is Andy Serkis, best known for playing Gollum in the Lord of the Rings movies. Here he's the head of the nasty band and his vileness seems to drip off the screen. If you want to know why Peter Jackson chose him to play the tortured creature in the big budgeted epic look no further. Serkis isn't on screen much until the final portion of the film, but his evilness in the early part of the film hangs over everything like a dark cloud.
Definitely worth a look for those who want an undemanding thriller, and those who want to see what Andy Serkis is capable of when he isn't doing just a computer generated character. 6.5 out of 10.
Abigail Disney,Kathleen Hughes
What price conscience? Abigail Disney's directorial debut, THE ARMOR OF LIGHT, follows the journey of an Evangelical minister trying to find the courage to preach about the growing toll of gun violence in America. The film tracks Reverend Rob Schenck, anti-abortion activist and fixture 欧洲服务器与美国服务器on the political far right, who breaks with orthodoxy by questioning whether being pro-gun is consistent with being pro-life. Reverend Schenck is shocked and perplexed by the reactions of his long-time friends and colleagues who warn him away from this complex, politically explosive issue. Along the way, Rev. Schenck meets Lucy McBath, the mother o含羞草影院研究院网站在线f Jordan Davis, an unarmed teenager who was murdered in Florida and whose story has cast a spotlight on "Stand Your Ground" laws. 迷茫管家与懦弱的我动漫McBath, also a Christian, decides to work with Schenck even though she is pro-choice. Lucy is on a difficult journey of her own, trying to make sense of her devastating loss while using her grief to effect some kind of viable and ...