搜索"Abir" ,找到 14部影视作品
Kabir Bhatia
In the 1940s, Malays were world-renowned for their seafaring skills. Being of Bugis descent, they navigated the sea wi下一站是幸福电视剧免费观看th natural ease and were often the favored seamen for international shipping lines. Pulang tells the story of one such sailor. Othman, a fisherman from a small village in Malacca, leaves his family behind to sail the world, with hopes to return home one day with worldly riches and deserved pride. After decades at sea, however, his low wages as a deckhand leaves him disillusioned. He contemplates returning home to his family but ended up settling down in Liverpool, England. 60 years later, his grandson, Ahmad, journeys halfway across the world in search of his grandfather. Inspired by true events, Pulang tells the story of two men who yearn to find the only place they belong: HOME.
Rajkumar Kohli
While hunting in the jungle, one day, Vijay2012电影在线观看神马影院 save the life of a young man from the sudden attack of a wild hawk. There and then Vijay realizes that he have just save the life of a miraculous snake who have the powers to take the form of a human and who have been dating his beloved; also a miraculous female snake. Vijay browse 猎头华尔兹this news to his five friends who immediately shoot the male snake to death. Enraged at the brutal killing of her beloved; the female snake begins to take revenge on the six friends, killing them one by one by taking the form of humans. Now the only one who can sa我的好妈妈8中文免费看视频ve the six friends is a sage but it certainly looks like the miraculous snake might as well do away with all her enemies before the sage lay hands on her.
Don Mischer,Kabir Akhtar,Christopher Guest,Troy Miller
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Modern-day confecti卡片斗士翔oners relive the world of historical sweets making centuries-old treats fr2019中文字幕乱码免费om original recipes guided by historians Annie Gray and Emma Dabiri.<voyeurhit农村夫妻偷拍;/p>
Sabir Khan
当下的印度,处于一个不断前进的时代,期间充斥着显着卓越的现代文化与根深众意彩蒂固的古老传统之间的矛盾,这也是一个大城市与小城镇处于激烈斗争的巅峰时期。然而就在这样的背景下,一个爱情故事不期而至。这是一个看似不可能发生的爱情故事,主角是英勇无畏的巴布鲁和淘气刁蛮的婷娉。 故事发生在一个不允许恋爱结婚的小城镇,若违反被抓只24小时免费直播在线观看有死路一条,巴布鲁帮助婷娉的姊姊和朋友私奔,因此被婷娉爸爸绑架,要他说出女儿下落;另一方面婷娉因为姊姊私奔被禁止上学。为了能够继续上学,她请求巴布鲁说出姊姊的行踪,巴布鲁跟她交换条件,要求她帮忙找到一见钟情的女孩,殊不知依人就在眼前,故事中还有残酷暴力的帮派,以及越来越猛烈动作场景。巴布鲁和婷娉的爱情之花能绽放罗灵戒吗?他们的爱情是否会有转机?
Anwardi Jamil
Based on true events that happened in Singa狼群在线观看免费完整版pore in April 1958. The studio workers of Shaw Brothers are on strike for better pay and to support workers who have been sacked, they organised a variety show to collect funds and donations. During the show, Malaysian film legend P Ramlee and his best friend Jamil Sulong wrote an iconic Raya song (Festival song) that is still sung today during the Raya Festival of Eid every year. Four other storiyy直播怎么下载es and sub-plots help the movie move forward.
Sabir Khan
拉杰(阿克谢·库玛尔 Akshay Kumar 饰)是一名替身演员,在一场婚礼中,他结识了名为宝贝看镜子怎么C哭你的小说辛姆丽塔(卡琳娜·卡普尔 Kareena Kapoor 饰)的外科医生,虽然两人的爱情观出奇的一致,那就是不相信这个世界上有真爱存在,但他们的个性实在是大相径庭,每一次见当旺爸爸粤语面都惹出一连串的误会和麻烦。 某日,拉杰在工作中受了伤,而治疗他的主治医生恰恰就是辛姆丽塔,而在手术的过程中,辛姆丽塔竟然将手表挂坠落在了拉杰的肚子里。无奈之陆言陈岚小说免费全文阅读笔趣阁下,辛姆丽塔只得假装接近拉杰,向他大献殷勤,以掩饰自己的失物。在此过程中,两人竟然假戏真做,彼此之间产生了真挚的感情,成就了一段佳话良缘。